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Fellow Gamers & Clan Members

This is a collection of people I game with and have managed to get a picture of. I have listed them only by their player nicknames and used photos that they have posted in public areas.


Queen of the B0rG clan and hands down the hottest babe on any planet.


Video and sound guy as well as all around mad scientist.


Dragonkiss is a member of several clans. RoM (Randy Old Men) WAR Clan, LU (Lemmings United) and FTP (Free Team Players) just to name a few. He is well liked by the B0rG clan all around.


Another video/sound mixer of the B0rG clan. As you can tell by his nickname he is a real Monty Python fan.

D.0.0.D.: Digital 0rganism 0ptimized for Destruction.

This is Dood in B0rG mode. I put this up and left the other pic up also because I really like that one of Duke and his buddy.


Game Server Master B0rG. Ventrilo expert and snow shoveling guru.



Assimilation Master B0rG and probationary member guide.

[B0rG]Calm Breeze & Paddy

This is CB and his buddy Paddy. Paddy passed away but they were lucky enough to be good mates for many years.


This is Duke's cat Dood. He is sort of an honorary member of the B0rG clan (and a couple other clans also) as he likes to attack Duke's arm while he tries to play ET.

Dood passed away in 2011 and is missed by many. None more than Duke though.